Images Image format: png, jpg, jpeg, gif Image size limits: There are no size limits in regards to uploading images. Animations Format: gif Videos Videos format: mp4 Video frame rate: 30fps (...
Create Channel Create mutiple channel with the project name. (For more info, please click ADD CHANNEL under CHANNELS) Insert content (image and videos) into the created channels (For more info, pl...
Yes it is possible. - Firstly, you have to save the image into few angles. The more angles you have, more smoother the image. - Then, yave to create a special slot for the 360 contents. When you c...
The length of time it takes to design and deploy the i3Display solution can vary greatly depending on the material, number of pages, the complexity and amount of content needed.
All content uploaded is securely on i3Display International Server
No, you're free to upload as much content as you like. In fact, the more the better. There is a 5GB maximum for each individual file, however.
Create Channel Create mutiple channel with the project name. (For more info, please click ADD CHANNEL under CHANNELS) Insert content (image and videos) into the created channels (For more info, pl...
No. i3Display CMS doesn't automatic scale pictures. If you try to insert an image that doesn't meet size of the slot,it will show error occured. So before insert an image or video to the slot, must...
Cannot. The video must be rendered or resized to the exact size of the slot. If upload the video without resized, it will show error command and reject. The video can be rendered in Premiere Pro, ...
Yes you can. You can modify the template that you created before, but if you already used the template in other page or channel, then if you modify the template, then it will effect the content in ...
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